NacoWiki PHP API

in package

Main Application class

Table of Contents


$cfg  : array<string|int, mixed>
Contains running app configuration *
$context  : array<string|int, mixed>
Current user/session context
$ctxvars  : array<string|int, mixed>
Defined context variables
$http_host  : string|null
HTTP request host
$https  : bool
TRUE if using https
$meta  : array<string|int, mixed>
Current document meta-data.
$opts  : array<string|int, mixed>
Local customizations
$page  : string
Current document
$props  : array<string|int, mixed>
Current document properties
$remote_addr  : string|null
HTTP client's remote address
$remote_user  : string|null
HTTP client's remote user (if any)
$scheme  : string|null
HTTP context, should be set to http or https, otherwise is NULL
$view  : string
Default view class


__construct()  : mixed
Create a new NanoWiki application instance
asset()  : string
Returns a URL to an static file asset
assetQS()  : string
Returns a URL to an static file asset with timestamp
cli()  : void
Main dispatch point for CLI sub-commands
declareContext()  : void
Declare a context variable.
errMsg()  : void
Show a HTML error message and dies.
filePath()  : string
Convert URL to an actual file path
getUser()  : string|null
Get current user
initContext()  : void
Initialize user context
isReadable()  : bool|null
Current document is readable
isWritable()  : bool|null
Current document is writable
loadOpts()  : void
Load option files
mkUrl()  : string
Create a URL to the given resource.
navInfoBox()  : mixed
Add InfoBox items
navTools()  : mixed
Add nav Tools
run()  : void
Main application entry point method



Contains running app configuration *

public array<string|int, mixed> $cfg = [ ##-- configuration#NacoWiki configuration ## ## - umask (int) - Optional umask 'umask' => \NULL, ## - proxy-ips (array|string) : list of IP addresses of trusted reverse proxies ## Either as an array of strings, or as string with comma separated IP addresses. 'proxy-ips' => \NULL, ## - no_cache (bool) : defaults to false. If set to true, enables ## sending of headers that disable browser caches. 'no_cache' => \false, ## - plugins_path (array|string) : list of directories where to look for plugins. \ ## Defaults to `APP_DIR/plugins`. \ ## It can be specified as an array of strings, or as single array with ## paths separated by PHP's PATH_SEPARATOR `:` under Linux, `;` under Windows. 'plugins_path' => \NULL, ## - base_url (string) - Base Application URL \ ## Normally defaults to the HTTP SCRIPT_NAME value. However, it can ## be changed for placing after a reverse proxy which changes the path. 'base_url' => \NULL, ## - static_url (string) - URL Path to static resources \ ## Normally defaults to the dirname of HTTP SCRIPT_NAME. However, it can ## be changed for placing after a reverse proxy which changes the path. \ ## It has to be a HTTP path that can reach the static resources. 'static_url' => \NULL, ## - static_path (string) - File Path to static resources \ ## Path in the filesystem to reach the actual static resources. Defaults ## to `APP_DIR/assets`. 'static_path' => \NULL, ## - file_store (string) - Location where data files are stored \ ## Defaults to `CWD/files`. These files do *NOT* need to be served ## by the web server, so that the PHP script can control all access ## to them. 'file_store' => \NULL, ## - read_only (bool|string) - if true, makes the wiki read-only. Defaults to false. \ ## if set to `not-auth`, it will make it read-only until the user ## authenticates. 'read_only' => \false, ## - unix_eol (bool) - force all input files to be converted from CRLF to UNIX style ## LF for the EOL marker. Defaults to true. Set to false if you want ## to keep CRLF as EOL markers. 'unix_eol' => \true, ## - default_doc (string) - the default document for browsing into folders. \ ## defaults to ``. 'default_doc' => '', ## - plugins (array) - Plugin configuration \ ## Plugins can read its own configuration from this array. By ## convention, they should read only from the keys matching the ## plugin name. In addition, you can enable or disable ## plugins with the keys: ## - enabled (string|array) - list of plugins to enable either as a ## string with comma separated name of plugins or as an array with ## plugin names. ## - disabled (string|array) - list of plugins to disable either as a ## string with comma separated name of plugins or as an array with ## plugin names. ## By default all found plugins will be enabled. 'plugins' => [], // Plugin configuration ## - cookie_id (string) - used to keep cookies unique 'cookie_id' => \NULL, ## - cookie_age (int) - seconds to keep the cookies alive. \ ## Defaults to 30 days. 'cookie_age' => 86400 * 30, ## - ext_url (string) - URL used in the logo link. Defaults to ## the current http host home page. 'ext_url' => '/', ## - title (string) - Window title bar 'title' => 'NacoWiki', ## - copyright (string) - copyright text show in the footer 'copyright' => 'nobody@nowhere', ## - theme (string) - Overall nacowiki theme 'theme' => 'nacowiki', ## - theme-highlight-js (string) - theme to be used for syntax highlighting 'theme-highlight-js' => \NULL, // highlight.js theme ## - theme-codemirror (string) - CodeMirror theme 'theme-codemirror' => \NULL, // code mirror theme ## - vacuum (bool) - Automatically remove any left-over meta files 'vacuum' => \true, ]


Current user/session context

public array<string|int, mixed> $context = []


Defined context variables

public array<string|int, mixed> $ctxvars = []


HTTP request host

public string|null $http_host = \NULL


TRUE if using https

public bool $https = \false


Current document meta-data.

public array<string|int, mixed> $meta = []

$wiki->meta is loaded from the front matter in the stored article and can be modified by users with write access. This is unlike $wiki->props that are managed by the system (either via core or by plugin).


Local customizations

public array<string|int, mixed> $opts = []


Current document

public string $page = ''


Current document properties

public array<string|int, mixed> $props = []

$wiki->props is loaded and managed automatically by the system (either via core or by plugin). This is unlike $wiki->meta that are loaded from the editable file and can be modified arbitraily by users with write access.


HTTP client's remote address

public string|null $remote_addr = \NULL


HTTP client's remote user (if any)

public string|null $remote_user = \NULL


HTTP context, should be set to http or https, otherwise is NULL

public string|null $scheme = \NULL


Default view class

public string $view = 'default'



Create a new NanoWiki application instance

public __construct([array<string|int, mixed> $config = [] ]) : mixed

The given $config contains keys to override the default configuration.

$config : array<string|int, mixed> = []

NanoWiki configuration


Returns a URL to an static file asset

public asset(string $id) : string

This returns a string to a static file asset. The URL is supposed to be used so that the Web server can send the asset directly to the user (by-passing PHP).

$id : string

asset identifier

Return values

URL to the asset


Returns a URL to an static file asset with timestamp

public assetQS(string $id) : string

This returns a string to a static file asset. The URL is supposed to be used so that the Web server can send the asset directly to the user (by-passing PHP).

This works just like the asset method, with the difference that the URL also has a query string of the form of '?t=number`. The number is the mtime of the asset as returned by PHP's filemtime.

The purpose is so that the URL send to the browser is different every time the file changes. This is useful for Web browsers that tend to aggresively cache JavaScript code.

$id : string

asset identifier

Return values

URL to the asset


Main dispatch point for CLI sub-commands

public cli(array<string|int, mixed> $argv) : void

It will arrange for the given sub-command to be executed. This is done by firing the event cli:SUBCOMMAND. Where SUBCOMMAND is the sub-command specified in the command line.

The current instance will also get the following properties defined:

  • $this->script : $argv[0], usually the script name
  • $this->cwd : Working directory form the command was invoked
  • $this->script_dir : Directory of the script
  • $this->clicmd : sub command being executed.
$argv : array<string|int, mixed>

Should do a chdir to the $this->script_dir to be more similar to a running web environment?


array $argv Command line arguments


Declare a context variable.

public declareContext(string $key[, mixed $default = NULL ]) : void

Declare context variables that persist in an user session. This is implemented using Cookies.

Plugins should hook into the run-init event and declare context variables there. Value of these variables can be read from the $wiki->context[$key]

$key : string

variable name to declare

$default : mixed = NULL

default value.


Show a HTML error message and dies.

public errMsg(string $tag, string $msg[, int $flags = EM_NONE ]) : void

Shows an HTML error message and exits. You can pass optional flags:

  • EM_NONE: default, no special processing
  • EM_PHPERR: Display the last PHP Error using php's error_get_last
$tag : string

a tag used to identify the error.

$msg : string

Error message to display.

$flags : int = EM_NONE

Flags with options. Defaults to EM_NONE


Determine if running as CLI and only display text not HTML.


Convert URL to an actual file path

public filePath([string|null $url = NULL ]) : string
$url : string|null = NULL

URL to translate, If not given, it would use $this->page

Return values

actual file path to $url in the filesystem.


Get current user

public getUser() : string|null

This is only a stub

Return values


Initialize user context

public initContext() : void

It would initialize the class context property from the http cookies. Also it would allow the user to change the context through $_GET variables. Specifically, you can use:


to set the context variable VARNAME to the given value.

Similarly, you can use:


To set VARNAME to its default value.



This enables the debug context variable.


Add function to modify context afterwards (maybe using header_remove(set-cookie) and headers_sent() to check if possible)



Current document is readable

public isReadable([string|null $url = NULL ]) : bool|null
$url : string|null = NULL

URL to translate, If not given, it would use $this->page


Currently is only a stub function

Return values

returns true if allowed, false if not. NULL if user is not authenticated.


Current document is writable

public isWritable([string|null $url = NULL ]) : bool|null

This is the entry point to check if remote user has access to this file. At the moment, the minimum functionality is to check if there is OS write access to the file.

$url : string|null = NULL

URL to translate, If not given, it would use $this->page


Currently is only a stub function

Return values

returns true if allowed, false if not. NULL if user is not authenticated.


Load option files

public loadOpts(string $url) : void
$url : string

path of option files to read


Create a URL to the given resource.

public mkUrl(string $base, mixed ...$params) : string

Given the $base and $params, it would compute a URL to the given resource.

$params is an array of strings or arrays. If a string is passed in $params, it will simply append it to the URL as another path component. If an array is passed, it will use it to create a HTTP query string using PHP http_build_query.

$base : string

URL to compute

$params : mixed

varargs with additional arguments

Return values

URL to the given resource.


Add InfoBox items

public navInfoBox(array<string|int, mixed> &$info) : mixed

Used to add items to the infobox table of the top nav bar.

$info : array<string|int, mixed>

array to receive the new items.


Add nav Tools

public navTools(string $mode) : mixed

Used to add components to navigation HTML from Plugins.

$mode : string

string with current mode.


Main application entry point method

public run([array<string|int, mixed>|null $argv = NULL ]) : void
$argv : array<string|int, mixed>|null = NULL

Normally NULL. Contains command line arguments if run from CLI

On this page

Search results