NacoWiki PHP API

in package

Plugin management

This class managed Plugins, and also includes plugin utility methods.

Table of Contents


API_ERROR  = 'error'
API Event handler status code indicating execution failure
API_OK  = 'ok'
API Event handler status code indicating succesful execution
Event handler return code indicating that event was **NOT** handled.
OK  = false
Event handler return code indicating that event was handled.
OKSTOP  = true
Event handler return code indicating that event was handled and event processing should be stopped.


$handlers  : array<string|int, mixed>
List of event hanlders
$media_classes  : mixed
List of media handler classes
$mediatypes  : mixed
Used to quickly identified registered handlers
$plugins  : mixed
List of loaded plugins


apiError()  : bool|null
sets up a API handler as returning an error.
autoload()  : void
Autoload event handlers
devt()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Utility function to send read-only events
dispatchEvent()  : bool
Dispatch events
loadPlugins()  : void
Load plugins in plugin paths
mediaExt()  : string|null
Check the media handler for the page
path()  : string
Return the file path to the a Plugin source
pluginPath()  : array<string|int, mixed>
translates configured plugin path into list of directories
registerEvent()  : void
Register an event handler
registerMedia()  : void
Register a new media type



API Event handler status code indicating execution failure

public string API_ERROR = 'error'


API Event handler status code indicating succesful execution

public string API_OK = 'ok'


Event handler return code indicating that event was **NOT** handled.

public bool|null NOOP = NULL


Event handler return code indicating that event was handled.

public bool|null OK = false


Event handler return code indicating that event was handled and event processing should be stopped.

public bool|null OKSTOP = true



List of event hanlders

public static array<string|int, mixed> $handlers = []


List of media handler classes

public static mixed $media_classes = []


Used to quickly identified registered handlers

public static mixed $mediatypes = []



sets up a API handler as returning an error.

public static apiError(array<string|int, mixed> &$ev, string $msg[, array<string|int, mixed> $opts = ['status' => self::API_ERROR, 'rc' => self::OK] ]) : bool|null

To be used by an API handler when detecting an error. Example call:

return Plugins::apiError($event, 'Example error');


  • rc ?bool - return code, Plugins::OK, Plugins::OKSTOP, Plugins::NOOP.
  • status string - Status to set the event too. Defaults to Plugins::API_ERROR.
$ev : array<string|int, mixed>

Event array

$msg : string

Error message

$opts : array<string|int, mixed> = ['status' => self::API_ERROR, 'rc' => self::OK]


Return values

Returns self::OK by default. Otherwise the value of $opts[rc]


Autoload event handlers

public static autoload(string $class) : void

It will look in the doc strings of the methods for the given class looking for a tag:

$class : string

Class name to autoload



When found, the method will be registerd as the given event


Utility function to send read-only events

public static & devt([array<string|int, mixed> $content = [] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

When calling dispatchEvent, you can use this to generate an event array that only contains read-only data.

Example usage:

Plugins::dispatchEvent($wiki, 'test-event', Plugins:devt([ 'option1' => 1, 'option2' => 2 ]));
$content : array<string|int, mixed> = []

array containing data that will be placed on the newly created event.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

reference to the event.


Dispatch events

public static dispatchEvent(NacoWikiApp $wiki, string $event[, array<string|int, mixed> &$data = NULL ]) : bool

It will call the hooks for the given $event. Data to the hook is passed through the $data array. When calling dispatchEvent if no data needs to be received, you can leave this argument empty. Otherwise you need to pass an array preloaded with any input data. The results will be received throug the same array.

For read-only events you can use PluginCollection::devt static function to pass read-only arguments.

$wiki : NacoWikiApp

current wiki instance

$event : string

event name that we are dispatching

$data : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL

nullable data for given event

Return values

true if event was handled, otherwise false.


Load plugins in plugin paths

public static loadPlugins(array<string|int, mixed> $cfg) : void

It will use the $cfg[plugins][enabled] and $cfg[plugins][disabled] list to enable or disable the listed pluigns.

  • The default is to load all plugins.
  • If a disable list is provided it is used as a blacklist to stop the given plugins to be loaded.
  • If a enable list, only the plugins in the list are enabled.
  • If both enable and disable are given, it first will use the enable list, then use the disable list.

Both for enable and disable lists, it is taken either as an array listing plugin names, or a string containing comma separated plugin names.

In the plugin loading process, the loadPlugin method will use require_once to load the plugin file. Then it will call the load method for all the classes that were created by the plugin file, if they exist.

The plugin class then can use the PluginCollection functions to register events or media handlers. Also, the PluginCollection autoload method can be used.

$cfg : array<string|int, mixed>

Wiki configuration


Perhaps instead of require_once, it should include_once.


Check the media handler for the page

public static mediaExt(string $page) : string|null
$page : string

page to look-up the media handler for

Return values

normalized file extension or NULL


Return the file path to the a Plugin source

public static path([string $file = NULL ]) : string

This is a convenience function used to determine the folder where a Plugin stores files.

It will first look if there is a folder with the same name as the source without the .php extension. If that failes, it will use the dirname of the source php file.

$file : string = NULL

File to look up. If not specified it will simply return the plugin directory path

Return values


translates configured plugin path into list of directories

public static pluginPath(array<string|int, mixed> $cfg) : array<string|int, mixed>

Given the NacoWiki configuration, it will return an array containing directories where to look for plugins.

The default is APP_DIR/plugins.

$cfg : array<string|int, mixed>

Configuration array

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

List of plugin directories


Register an event handler

public static registerEvent(string $event, mixed $callable) : void
$event : string
$callable : mixed


Register a new media type

public static registerMedia(string|array<string|int, mixed> $ext, string $class[, null|string|array<string|int, mixed> $handler = NULL ]) : void

Register the $class as a media type handler.

It will define the given extension (or extensions) as a media type and will add these methods as event hooks:

  • view => view:[ext]
    • read => read:[ext]
    • render => render:[ext]
    • layout => layout:[ext]
  • missing => missing:[ext]
  • edit => edit:[ext]
  • save => save:[ext]
  • preSave => preSave:[ext]
  • postSave => postSave:[ext]

Not all methods are needed, media handlers only need to provide the methods needed, otherwise NacoWiki will provide a suitable default. Note that if a view method is provided, it will be called first, bypassing read, render and layout.

Methods need to be defined with these prototypes:

static function view(\NacoWikiApp $wiki, array &$data) : ?bool;
static function read(\NacoWikiApp $wiki, array &$data) : ?bool;
static function render(\NacoWikiApp $wiki, array &$data) : ?bool;
static function layout(\NacoWikiApp $wiki, array &$data) : ?bool;
static function missing(\NacoWikiApp $wiki, array &$data) : ?bool;
static function edit(\NacoWikiApp $wiki, array &$data) : ?bool;
static function preSave(\NacoWikiApp $wiki, array &$data) : ?bool;
static function save(\NacoWikiApp $wiki, array &$data) : ?bool;
static function postSave(\NacoWikiApp $wiki, array &$data) : ?bool;
$ext : string|array<string|int, mixed>

-- file extension or array listing file extensions

$class : string

-- class name handling this media type

$handler : null|string|array<string|int, mixed> = NULL

-- how media types are handled

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