
NacoWiki AutoTag

Automatically generate tags on articles based on a tag cloud.

It will update the frontmatter header with tags based on the contents of the document. For this, the media handler must support the Core::logProps functionality.

To set-up you first need to create a file. Either in the current directory or a directory above.

The must contain:

# this is comment
tag # Just a tag
tag2, synonym1, synonym2 # tag2 is recognized, but also, synonym1 and synonym2 are considred for triggering tag2
~tag3 # tag3 is removed from the tag cloud
~tag3, synonym4 # tag3 and synonym4 are removed from the tag cloud

If there are multiple files along the path all of them are merged. But the deeper files can use ~ notation to remove words from the tagcloud.

Headers containg tag: are used. Should be made of comma separated tag lists.

In addition, a autotag-ignore header is recognized. Tags here are also comma separated. If a word is found in this list, the tag will not be added to the tag line.