
NacoWiki is a file-based Wiki system.


I myself use it as a personal wiki. I also use it to document NacoWiki itself. It has a simple static site generator SiteGen that along with phpDocumentor and some custom scripts it generates the documentation for the gh-pages website. Finally I am using to replace pelican static site generator for my personal blog. This functionality makes use of Albatros which is a different plugin from SiteGen that works similarly to palican

Essentially it is flat-file based wiki that can export sections of it as a static site.



Nearly all the functionality of NacoWiki is implemented using a plugable event architecture.

This means that additional functionality can be added through plugins. In fact, most of the Core functionality is implemented through the same plugin mechanism.


PHP Extensions

License & Contact

Copyright © 2023 Alejandro Liu.
Licensed under MIT.

Parsedown by Emanuil Rusev also licensed under a MIT License.

Some plugins and parsedown extensions copyright by their respective authors.